The whispers of the night
Call as a promise to my heart
But my strength is nothing
My fear is greater
To be dead in life
Crying every night
Longing for sweet love to return
I fear it may never change
Try as I might Maybe
I'm not supposed to hold dear
Someone I can love
Give me a breath of life
Help me to surrender to our song
Once we are here alone, together
Wont you let my cry
Or am I expected to hold on
Do I have to be perfect for you
Is that why I haven't seen your face
Must I be desirable
To quench a thirst you have
What must I be Someone you can love
Is that me Am I someone you can love
Where are you
I've begun to bleed
Save me.
2008, ജൂലൈ 27, ഞായറാഴ്ച
2008, ജൂലൈ 26, ശനിയാഴ്ച
"HINDUISM".... a study..
What is Hinduism ?The puraanas tell that Himalayam samaarabhya yaavath indu sarovaram tham deva nirmitham desam hindustanam prachakshathey.The nation which starts from Himalayas and ends in Indian ocean and which is created by the god is known as Hindustanam. And those who are living there are Hindus.
How the Hindus are defined ?Aa sindo sindu paryantham yasya bhartha bhoomikam maathru bhoo pitru bhoo schaiva sa vai hindu riti smruthaaThose who consider and respect the country which extends from Indus valley ( sindu river ) up to Indian ocean as their motherland, father land or holy land, they are the Hindus. ( all those consider bhratham as their own mother/father/holy land they are the Hindus)
Why it is said that Hinduism is not a religion ?It is not created by an individual / prophet/ Rishi . So it is not the opinion (matham) or advise of an individual. So it is not a religion. It is the contribution of thousands of Rishies.
Who created Hinduism?Thousands of Rishies, during the course of thousands of years could formulate a perfect style/way of thinking and practicing various aspects and concepts in the life. Those are codified as the customs and rituals or in short acharas. These acharas combined together forms the dharma . Dharma is the way of life. So Hinduism is the way of life.
Why it is known as sanathana dharma?Sanaathana word means ( according to Bhagavath geetha) as the one which cannot be destroyed by any method and the one which is ever existing in everything. The one which is immovable, and non perishable is the sanaathanam. So this dharma is ever existing and it cannot be destroyed . So it is sanaathanam.
Is it not true that something which has a beginning , has an end also ?It is true for which has a beginning. This dharma does not have a beginning so it will not have an end also. If it started decaying someone /avathara will come to protect and energise to bring back the dharma with all its positive results as it is told in Bhagavath Geetha.
What is the meaning of Dharma ?Dharma is the one which is guiding, protecting, supporting, …you . Dharanaath dharma …the one which is protecting you is dharma.
Are Hinduism and sanaathana dharma the same ?Yes! They are the same and remember that there is nothing like Hinduism . It is an English word created by the British or someone . There communism, socialism, capitalism etc but nothing like Hinduism.
Why some people call it a religion?When all other way of life are known as ‘religion’ like the one based on Jesus, Mohammed and so on form religions, if similar name used it may be easy to others to understand. Hence people started, particularly the British started using the word Hinduism and it came into practice. Now every Indian is also using the same.
Is the word Indian and Hindu synonym ?Definitely yes. According to the definition, the Indian word is same as Hindu. Majority of the minority and politicians may not agree with that. Because they are full of wrong impressions created during 250 years of foreign rule.
Then where the Indian Christians and Muslim will fit in ?They are also Hindus. They are Hindu Christians and Hindu Muslims. Just like we say American Christian, Pakistani Muslim, etc.
When was Hindu dharma started?None knows the answer. According the archeological evidence, the Vedas might have got composed something like 6000 - 8000 BC, in the present form. So the dharma might have formed earlier to this. Since it is a way of life, none can trace the beginning point of the dharma. If it would have been a contribution of some individual, we can say from the period of that individual.
What the archeological evidences say ?The archeological studies carried out in Kalibhangan, Bhagavan pura, Mehargarh, etc shows that the oldest artifacts available are of the period BC 8250. So the Hindu civilization or the one something similar to that started blooming during then.
Is the Indus valley civilization same as the Hindu dharma civilisation?Definitely all the proofs available say so. Particularly those are available very recently. Even though foreigners and the so called Indian intellectuals wanted to distort the true history and wanted to prove wrongly that they are different from Hindu dharma, the conclusion is that both are the same.
But many people say against it why ?There was an intentional conspiracy to distort the facts which was spearheaded and created by the British to confuse Indians through the Aryan invasion theory and create a feeling among Indians that they are also the invaders like the British ( to Indian subcontinent). So they wanted to prove that Indus valley, Harappan civilization etc are entirely different from the Vedic civilization and Hindu culture . This was fully utilized by our pseudo intellectuals and also the so called secularists for creating a complex in the Indian mind.
Who are the Aryans ?The word Aryan does not have any meaning of race or a group of people. But it means only the scholarly people. You know arya vaidya sala, aryaavartham, aryavepu, aryaputra all meant for ‘scholarly’ meaning.
Where can we see the use of this word in Vedas?In Vedas there are a number of places where the Arya word is used as “krunvantho viswam aryam = let us make the world a glorious one. Srunvanthu viswe amruthasya putraa aaye dhamaani divyaani thasthu = the children of immortals, let us come together and chant the great songs, here too the message is arya. Every wife used to call her husband of royal family as aryaputra.
Some people say the Vedic civilization and Hindu civilization are different. Is it correct?Vedic civilization itself is the Hindu civilization, there is no difference. There is nothing like Hindu civilization. It is only the Vedic.
When was the Vedas written?Vedas are known as anaadi which means the date of origin is not known. It is also said that it existed from time immemorial. But the Veda Vyasa compiled it in the present form.
What is the real meaning of the word Veda?Veda was formed from vid means knowledge. ( more details will be available when we discuss about Vedas separately)
What the Vedas say about the date of its origin?Brihaspati prathamam jaayamaanam thishyam nakshatram abhisambhaboova . The delta cancri (thishyam)star when got occulted by Jupiter planet, and when the planet moved forward, it looked as the star was born newly.. This is an astronomical phenomenon. The computer simulation studies showed that this occulting might have taken place almost during BC 4275 or so. If this vedic line was written after seeing this phenomenon, then this line coming in the last part of RigVeda (partly) might have been written about 6250 years ago. So the last part of Rig Veda might have composed during this period. If this is true the first part might have got composed about 2 to 3 thousand more years ago. So the Vedas may be more than 7 - 8 thousand years old
Does this agree with the scholars’ opinion ?No This is not agreeing with Indian scholars Opinion. Indian scholars means like Balagangadhara thilak, Jnanaanda saraswati, dayananda sarawati, and so on put the period of Vedas 20 to 50 thousand years ago. The pseudo scholars fix the period like their Gurus of west, around 1000 BC or so.
Does it agree with foreign scholars?Some of them think this may be correct. Some of them even conclude that Vedas are of 2 to 3 thousands old. Now a rethinking is picking up fast. Some of Them also fixed the period as many thousand years ago.
Does it mean that Hindu dharma is the oldest religion?Because all other religion was of later origin! If you want to label Hindu as a religion or otherwise also , Hindu dharma is the oldest religion in the world and Rig Veda is the oldest literature.
How the messages of Hinduism spread from generation to generation?This dharma spread from place to place and generation to generations through acharas seen and heard from the parents, books, illustrations, etc.
Did Hindu dharma spead outside India ?Yes it spread through the world, including African contenent, American continents and so on.
Should we blindly follow the Hindu dharma ?You can critically or blindly follow/accept the messages of dharma or reject the dharma. Freedom is yours. Nothing is strict. Every part of the Hindu acharas are left to the freedom of the individual.
What is meant by the freedom of the Individual ?In sanathana dharma the followers have the freedom for criticizing the negatives, evaluating the merits, correcting the superstitions and mistakes, modifying the ideas based on desa ( place), kaala (time) and the condition of the practitioner. Adding any novel ideas beneficial for human beings, deleting which are irrelevant and obsolete , accepting anything good for the benefit of individuals/family/society/nation, from everywhere rejecting any outdated practices are the main principle.
Have the Hindus got the freedom to change the basic books ?They can make their own recensions /sakhas of any book. The old will remain the same. New used to be known in the name of the composer. Any of the Hindu beliefs, thoughts, books, faiths, rituals, customs, concepts, can be subjected to the above process of refining through addition, deletion, correction and modification.
Why our dharma is not rigid ?Because of the above freedom Hindus have as many as 1280 basic dharmic books as (matha granthas with tens of thousands of commentaries) where as the people of other religion have only one book. Nothing rigid or strict and followed without refining cannot exist in the world for long. As long as you have the freedom to think, till then flexibility is inevitable and growth is part of it.
Why this oldest religion still survives?Because of the great freedom given by our Rishies for taking good from everywhere and rejecting bad at any time, Hindu dharma still remain strong even after more than a thousand years of foreign aggression and massacre.
Who is the final authority of Hindu dharma? Is there anyone like pope?One should remember that there is no final authority for Hindu dharma whose words are the final answers for coming to a conclusion on anything. You know other civilizations like Mesopotamia, Greek, Egyptians, Babylonia ,,,,, ,etc got wiped out from the surface of the globe Earth. Bharatheeya dharma did not die. It is giving light to billions of people world over. Its contributions have become a great subject for learning and practicing now. Because everyone has the freedom to add, subtract, delete, correct and modify the ideas and practices. None can be labeled as the final authority to direct or impose the rule.
Why we have so many books whereas Christians and Muslims have only one each?All the knowledge required for the progress of the human beings cannot be included in one book, nor one saint can contribute all the required knowledge. Hence our forefathers wrote hundreds of books for the benefit of the human beings world over. In short sanathana dharma is based on more than 1280 books and tens of thousands of commentaries as our dharma granthas
How the Hindus are defined ?Aa sindo sindu paryantham yasya bhartha bhoomikam maathru bhoo pitru bhoo schaiva sa vai hindu riti smruthaaThose who consider and respect the country which extends from Indus valley ( sindu river ) up to Indian ocean as their motherland, father land or holy land, they are the Hindus. ( all those consider bhratham as their own mother/father/holy land they are the Hindus)
Why it is said that Hinduism is not a religion ?It is not created by an individual / prophet/ Rishi . So it is not the opinion (matham) or advise of an individual. So it is not a religion. It is the contribution of thousands of Rishies.
Who created Hinduism?Thousands of Rishies, during the course of thousands of years could formulate a perfect style/way of thinking and practicing various aspects and concepts in the life. Those are codified as the customs and rituals or in short acharas. These acharas combined together forms the dharma . Dharma is the way of life. So Hinduism is the way of life.
Why it is known as sanathana dharma?Sanaathana word means ( according to Bhagavath geetha) as the one which cannot be destroyed by any method and the one which is ever existing in everything. The one which is immovable, and non perishable is the sanaathanam. So this dharma is ever existing and it cannot be destroyed . So it is sanaathanam.
Is it not true that something which has a beginning , has an end also ?It is true for which has a beginning. This dharma does not have a beginning so it will not have an end also. If it started decaying someone /avathara will come to protect and energise to bring back the dharma with all its positive results as it is told in Bhagavath Geetha.
What is the meaning of Dharma ?Dharma is the one which is guiding, protecting, supporting, …you . Dharanaath dharma …the one which is protecting you is dharma.
Are Hinduism and sanaathana dharma the same ?Yes! They are the same and remember that there is nothing like Hinduism . It is an English word created by the British or someone . There communism, socialism, capitalism etc but nothing like Hinduism.
Why some people call it a religion?When all other way of life are known as ‘religion’ like the one based on Jesus, Mohammed and so on form religions, if similar name used it may be easy to others to understand. Hence people started, particularly the British started using the word Hinduism and it came into practice. Now every Indian is also using the same.
Is the word Indian and Hindu synonym ?Definitely yes. According to the definition, the Indian word is same as Hindu. Majority of the minority and politicians may not agree with that. Because they are full of wrong impressions created during 250 years of foreign rule.
Then where the Indian Christians and Muslim will fit in ?They are also Hindus. They are Hindu Christians and Hindu Muslims. Just like we say American Christian, Pakistani Muslim, etc.
When was Hindu dharma started?None knows the answer. According the archeological evidence, the Vedas might have got composed something like 6000 - 8000 BC, in the present form. So the dharma might have formed earlier to this. Since it is a way of life, none can trace the beginning point of the dharma. If it would have been a contribution of some individual, we can say from the period of that individual.
What the archeological evidences say ?The archeological studies carried out in Kalibhangan, Bhagavan pura, Mehargarh, etc shows that the oldest artifacts available are of the period BC 8250. So the Hindu civilization or the one something similar to that started blooming during then.
Is the Indus valley civilization same as the Hindu dharma civilisation?Definitely all the proofs available say so. Particularly those are available very recently. Even though foreigners and the so called Indian intellectuals wanted to distort the true history and wanted to prove wrongly that they are different from Hindu dharma, the conclusion is that both are the same.
But many people say against it why ?There was an intentional conspiracy to distort the facts which was spearheaded and created by the British to confuse Indians through the Aryan invasion theory and create a feeling among Indians that they are also the invaders like the British ( to Indian subcontinent). So they wanted to prove that Indus valley, Harappan civilization etc are entirely different from the Vedic civilization and Hindu culture . This was fully utilized by our pseudo intellectuals and also the so called secularists for creating a complex in the Indian mind.
Who are the Aryans ?The word Aryan does not have any meaning of race or a group of people. But it means only the scholarly people. You know arya vaidya sala, aryaavartham, aryavepu, aryaputra all meant for ‘scholarly’ meaning.
Where can we see the use of this word in Vedas?In Vedas there are a number of places where the Arya word is used as “krunvantho viswam aryam = let us make the world a glorious one. Srunvanthu viswe amruthasya putraa aaye dhamaani divyaani thasthu = the children of immortals, let us come together and chant the great songs, here too the message is arya. Every wife used to call her husband of royal family as aryaputra.
Some people say the Vedic civilization and Hindu civilization are different. Is it correct?Vedic civilization itself is the Hindu civilization, there is no difference. There is nothing like Hindu civilization. It is only the Vedic.
When was the Vedas written?Vedas are known as anaadi which means the date of origin is not known. It is also said that it existed from time immemorial. But the Veda Vyasa compiled it in the present form.
What is the real meaning of the word Veda?Veda was formed from vid means knowledge. ( more details will be available when we discuss about Vedas separately)
What the Vedas say about the date of its origin?Brihaspati prathamam jaayamaanam thishyam nakshatram abhisambhaboova . The delta cancri (thishyam)star when got occulted by Jupiter planet, and when the planet moved forward, it looked as the star was born newly.. This is an astronomical phenomenon. The computer simulation studies showed that this occulting might have taken place almost during BC 4275 or so. If this vedic line was written after seeing this phenomenon, then this line coming in the last part of RigVeda (partly) might have been written about 6250 years ago. So the last part of Rig Veda might have composed during this period. If this is true the first part might have got composed about 2 to 3 thousand more years ago. So the Vedas may be more than 7 - 8 thousand years old
Does this agree with the scholars’ opinion ?No This is not agreeing with Indian scholars Opinion. Indian scholars means like Balagangadhara thilak, Jnanaanda saraswati, dayananda sarawati, and so on put the period of Vedas 20 to 50 thousand years ago. The pseudo scholars fix the period like their Gurus of west, around 1000 BC or so.
Does it agree with foreign scholars?Some of them think this may be correct. Some of them even conclude that Vedas are of 2 to 3 thousands old. Now a rethinking is picking up fast. Some of Them also fixed the period as many thousand years ago.
Does it mean that Hindu dharma is the oldest religion?Because all other religion was of later origin! If you want to label Hindu as a religion or otherwise also , Hindu dharma is the oldest religion in the world and Rig Veda is the oldest literature.
How the messages of Hinduism spread from generation to generation?This dharma spread from place to place and generation to generations through acharas seen and heard from the parents, books, illustrations, etc.
Did Hindu dharma spead outside India ?Yes it spread through the world, including African contenent, American continents and so on.
Should we blindly follow the Hindu dharma ?You can critically or blindly follow/accept the messages of dharma or reject the dharma. Freedom is yours. Nothing is strict. Every part of the Hindu acharas are left to the freedom of the individual.
What is meant by the freedom of the Individual ?In sanathana dharma the followers have the freedom for criticizing the negatives, evaluating the merits, correcting the superstitions and mistakes, modifying the ideas based on desa ( place), kaala (time) and the condition of the practitioner. Adding any novel ideas beneficial for human beings, deleting which are irrelevant and obsolete , accepting anything good for the benefit of individuals/family/society/nation, from everywhere rejecting any outdated practices are the main principle.
Have the Hindus got the freedom to change the basic books ?They can make their own recensions /sakhas of any book. The old will remain the same. New used to be known in the name of the composer. Any of the Hindu beliefs, thoughts, books, faiths, rituals, customs, concepts, can be subjected to the above process of refining through addition, deletion, correction and modification.
Why our dharma is not rigid ?Because of the above freedom Hindus have as many as 1280 basic dharmic books as (matha granthas with tens of thousands of commentaries) where as the people of other religion have only one book. Nothing rigid or strict and followed without refining cannot exist in the world for long. As long as you have the freedom to think, till then flexibility is inevitable and growth is part of it.
Why this oldest religion still survives?Because of the great freedom given by our Rishies for taking good from everywhere and rejecting bad at any time, Hindu dharma still remain strong even after more than a thousand years of foreign aggression and massacre.
Who is the final authority of Hindu dharma? Is there anyone like pope?One should remember that there is no final authority for Hindu dharma whose words are the final answers for coming to a conclusion on anything. You know other civilizations like Mesopotamia, Greek, Egyptians, Babylonia ,,,,, ,etc got wiped out from the surface of the globe Earth. Bharatheeya dharma did not die. It is giving light to billions of people world over. Its contributions have become a great subject for learning and practicing now. Because everyone has the freedom to add, subtract, delete, correct and modify the ideas and practices. None can be labeled as the final authority to direct or impose the rule.
Why we have so many books whereas Christians and Muslims have only one each?All the knowledge required for the progress of the human beings cannot be included in one book, nor one saint can contribute all the required knowledge. Hence our forefathers wrote hundreds of books for the benefit of the human beings world over. In short sanathana dharma is based on more than 1280 books and tens of thousands of commentaries as our dharma granthas
SreeNarayana Guru's Famous teachings
One in kind, one in faith, One in God is man Of one same womb, one there is at all.
All are of one Self-fraternity Such being the dictum to avow,In such a light how can we take life And devoid of least pity go on to eat
Whichever the religion It suffices If it makes a better man.
Ask not, Say not Think not caste
Acts that one performs For one's own sake Should also aim for the good Of other men
Love of others is my happiness, Love that is mine is happiness for others. And so, truly, deeds that benefit a man Must be a cause for other's happiness too.
Grace, Love, Mercy -all the three - Stand for one same reality- Life's Star. He who loves is who really lives.
Whatever may be the difference in men's creed, dress, language etc. Because they all belong to the same kind of creation, there is no harm at all in their dining together or having marital relation with one another.
Liquor is poison Make it not Sell it not Drink it not.
Devoid of dividing walls Of caste or race Or hatred of rival faith We all live here In Brotherhood
All are of one Self-fraternity Such being the dictum to avow,In such a light how can we take life And devoid of least pity go on to eat
Whichever the religion It suffices If it makes a better man.
Ask not, Say not Think not caste
Acts that one performs For one's own sake Should also aim for the good Of other men
Love of others is my happiness, Love that is mine is happiness for others. And so, truly, deeds that benefit a man Must be a cause for other's happiness too.
Grace, Love, Mercy -all the three - Stand for one same reality- Life's Star. He who loves is who really lives.
Whatever may be the difference in men's creed, dress, language etc. Because they all belong to the same kind of creation, there is no harm at all in their dining together or having marital relation with one another.
Liquor is poison Make it not Sell it not Drink it not.
Devoid of dividing walls Of caste or race Or hatred of rival faith We all live here In Brotherhood
Om Namah Shivaya Mantra in Sanskrit
The Om Namah Shivaya mantra or chant consists of six syllables - om, na, mah, shi, vaa, ya. When chanted properly, each syllable activates certain energy centers within our bodies as we meditate upon the energy of Lord Shiva. Shiva is often referred to as the part of the Hindu trinity which has dominion over death and destruction. Shiva is also considered the greatest of the yogis, the lord of meditation, and the lord of all that is mystic and mysterious in hindu practices. Legend has it that the holy river Ganges (or Ganga ) is in fact a representation of Lord Shiva's long hair.
Summary of the Om Namah Shivaya Mantra
Om or Aum is the pranava or seed mantra of all mantras. The two syllables na- and mah- can be translated as "I humbly bow to you". The three syllables shi-vaa-ya invoke Lord Shiva and all his energies to bless us and lead us to the highest state of peace and meditation. The mantra should ideally be chanted twice a day (morning and evening) for 108 times each.
The Om Namah Shivaya mantra or chant consists of six syllables - om, na, mah, shi, vaa, ya. When chanted properly, each syllable activates certain energy centers within our bodies as we meditate upon the energy of Lord Shiva. Shiva is often referred to as the part of the Hindu trinity which has dominion over death and destruction. Shiva is also considered the greatest of the yogis, the lord of meditation, and the lord of all that is mystic and mysterious in hindu practices. Legend has it that the holy river Ganges (or Ganga ) is in fact a representation of Lord Shiva's long hair.
Summary of the Om Namah Shivaya Mantra
Om or Aum is the pranava or seed mantra of all mantras. The two syllables na- and mah- can be translated as "I humbly bow to you". The three syllables shi-vaa-ya invoke Lord Shiva and all his energies to bless us and lead us to the highest state of peace and meditation. The mantra should ideally be chanted twice a day (morning and evening) for 108 times each.
Speech of Dr. Abdul Kalam
Why is the media here so negative? Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognize our own strengths, our achievements? We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing success stories but we refuse acknowledge them--- Why ? We are the first in milk production. We are number one in Remote sensing satellites. We are the second largest producer of wheat. We are the second largest producer of rice. Look at Dr. Sudarshan; he has transferred the tribal village into a self-sustaining, self-driving unit. There are millions of such achievements but our media is only obsessed in the bad news and failures and disasters. I was in Tel Aviv once and I was reading the Israeli newspaper. It was the day after a lot of attacks and bombardments and deaths had taken place. The Hamas had struck. But the front page of the newspaper had the picture of a Jewish gentleman who in five years had transformed his desert into an orchid and a granary. It was this inspiring picture that everyone woke up to. The gory details of killings, bombardment, deaths, were inside in the newspaper, buried among other news. In India we only read about death, sickness, terrorism, crime. Why are we so NEGATIVE? Another question: Why are we, as a nation so obsessed with foreign things? We want foreign T. Vs, we want foreign shirts. We want foreign technology. Why this obsession with everything imported. Do we not realize that self-respect comes with self-reliance? I was in Hyderabad giving this lecture, when a 14 year old girl asked me for my autograph. I asked her what her goal in life is. She replied: I want to live in a developed India. For her, you and I will have to build this developed India you must proclaim. India is not an under-developed nation; it is a highly developed nation. Do you have 10 minutes? Allow me to come back with a vengeance. Got 10 minutes for your country? If yes, then read; otherwise, choice is yours. YOU say that our government is inefficient. YOU say that our laws are too old. YOU say that the municipality does not pick up the garbage. YOU say that the phones don't work, the railways are a joke, the airline is the worst in the world, and mails never reach their destination. YOU say that our country has been feed to the dogs and is the absolute pits. YOU say, say and say. What do YOU do about it? Take a person on his way to Singapore Give him a name - YOURS. Give him aface - YOURS. YOU walk out of the airport and you are at your International best. In Singapore you don't throw cigarette butts on the roads or eat in the stores. YOU are as proud of their Underground links as they are. You pay $5 (approx. Rs. 60) to drive through Orchard Road (equivalent of Mahim Causeway or Pedder Road ) between 5 PM and 8 PM. YOU come back to the parking lot to punch your parking ticket if you have over stayed in a restaurant or a shopping mall irrespective of your status identity... In Singapore you don't say anything, DO YOU? YOU wouldn't dare to eat in public during Ramadan, in Dubai. YOU would not dare to go out without your head covered in Jeddah. YOU would not dare to buy an employee of the telephone exchange in London at 10 pounds (Rs.650) a month to, 'see to it that my STD and ISD calls are billed to someone else.' YOU would not dare to speed beyond 55 mph (88 km/h) in Washington and then tell the traffic cop,'Jaanta hai main kaun hoon (Do you know who I am?). I am so and so's son. Take your two bucks and get lost.' YOU wouldn't chuck an empty coconut shell anywhere other than the garbage pail on the beaches in Australia and New Zealand. Why don't YOU spit Paan on the streets of Tokyo? Why don't YOU use examination jockeys or buy fake certificates in Boston??? We are still talking of the same YOU. YOU who can respect and conform to a foreign system in other countries but cannot in your own. You who will throw papers and cigarettes on the road the moment you touch Indian ground. If you can be an involved and appreciative citizen in an alien country, why cannot you be the same here in India? Once in an interview, the famous Ex-municipal commissioner of Bombay, Mr. Tinaikar, had a point to make. 'Rich people's dogs are walked on the streets to leave their affluent droppings all over the place,' he said. 'And then the same people turn around to criticize and blame the authorities for inefficiency and dirty pavements. What do they expect the officers to do? Go down with a broom every time their dog feels the pressure in his bowels? In America every dog owner has to clean up after his pet has done the job. Same in Japan Will the Indian citizen do that here?' He's right. We go to the polls to choose a government and after that forfeit all responsibility. We sit back wanting to be pamper and expect the government to do everything for us whilst our contribution is totally negative. We expect the government to clean up but we are not going to stop chucking garbage all over the place nor are we going to stop to pick a up a stray piece of paper and throw it in the bin. We expect the railways to provide clean bathrooms but we are not going to learn the proper use of bathrooms. We want Indian Airlines and Air India to provide the best of food and toiletries but we are not going to stop pilfering at the least opportunity. This applies even to the staffs that are known not to pass on the service to the public. When it comes to burning social issues like those related to women, dowry, girl child! And others, we make loud drawing room protestation and continue to do the reverse at home. Our excuse? 'It's the whole system which has to change, how will it matter if I alone forego my sons' rights to a dowry.' So who's going to change the system? What does a system consist of? Very conveniently for us it consists of our neighbors, other households, other cities, other communities and the government. But definitely not me and YOU. When it comes to us actually making a positive contribution to the system we lock ourselves along with our families into a safe cocoon and look into the distance at countries far away and wait for a Mr. Clean to come along & work miracles for us with a majestic sweep of his hand or we leave the country and run away. Like lazy cowards hounded by our fears we run to America to bask in their glory and praise their system. When New York becomes insecure we run to England When England experiences unemployment, we take the next flight out to the Gulf. When the Gulf is war struck, we demand to be rescued and brought home by the Indian government. Everybody is out to abuse and rape the country. Nobody thinks of feeding the system. Our conscience is mortgaged to money. Dear Indians, The article is highly thought inductive, calls for a great deal of introspection and pricks one's conscience too.... I am echoing J. F. Kennedy's words to his fellow Americans to relate to Indians..... 'ASK WHAT WE CAN DO FOR INDIA AND DO WHAT HAS TO BE DONE TO MAKE INDIA WHAT AMERICA AND OTHER WESTERN COUNTRIES ARE TODAY' lets do what India needs from us. Forward this messagel to each Indian for a change
Thank you,
Dr. Abdul Kalaam
Thank you,
Dr. Abdul Kalaam
2008, ജൂലൈ 25, വെള്ളിയാഴ്ച

The rain fell lightly on the road, as I peddled hard up the hill. The smells of fresh summer rain filling my senses. It reminded me of the days of my childhood.As a child, I would stand on the verandah of the house where I was born and watch the sky darken and listen to grownups wax sentimental over smoky banks of massed rain clouds. 

"Can rain have a life? Does it know beginning and end? Yes? No? Maybe? Who knows? As I stare at it, silent as it, I feel it. Calm and tranquility, Restlessness, Contradictions, Unexplainable emotions. I cry, I smile, I'm angered, I'm calm, Rain. Confusing metaphorical rain. Writer's rain. Terror. A common horror setting Rain. The slow pitter-patter of true rain. My rain. My life. My metaphor. My truth."
"I feel so complete when I’m in the rain, I feel no sorrow I feel no pain, I may give me a cold but I don’t care, There’s a calming sensation from grass to air, The feeling of love I don’t have, I will gain, Because my heart falls open as I stand in the rain."
" The wind whipped her hair, molding it to her slender cheekbones, like a second skin. She tilted her face, catching the first rain drops as they began to fall upon the thirsty earth. Closing her eyes and inhaling - slowly, letting her skin savor the moisture in separate, single increments. It was as if every cell of her body had come alive, dancing with the same electrical intensity as the lightning that surged through the sky. The thunder, an angry grumble of nature rumbled over head. In those few moments, she felt joyously alive... And she knew no fear. Locked in a spell of the elements... Feeling the storm... Bringing her peace...With herself... Bringing her peace... With the world."
2008, ജൂലൈ 22, ചൊവ്വാഴ്ച
"Love thoughts"
“Loving him is hard to regret,
Losing him is hard to accept.
But with all the hurt I've felt,
Letting go is the most painful yet….
"There will be a day when you ask me what's more important,
My life or you, I will say my life,
You will turn around and walk away not knowing that you are my life!"
A part of you has grown in me. And so you see,
It’s you and me together forever and never apart,
Maybe in distance, but never in heart."
I love you not only for what you are,
But for what I am when I am with you.
I love you not only for what you have made of yourself,
But for what you are making of me.
I love you for the part of me that you bring out.
If I had a single flower for every time I think about you,
I could walk forever in my garden. “
Losing him is hard to accept.
But with all the hurt I've felt,
Letting go is the most painful yet….
"There will be a day when you ask me what's more important,
My life or you, I will say my life,
You will turn around and walk away not knowing that you are my life!"
A part of you has grown in me. And so you see,
It’s you and me together forever and never apart,
Maybe in distance, but never in heart."
I love you not only for what you are,
But for what I am when I am with you.
I love you not only for what you have made of yourself,
But for what you are making of me.
I love you for the part of me that you bring out.
If I had a single flower for every time I think about you,
I could walk forever in my garden. “
2008, ജൂലൈ 20, ഞായറാഴ്ച
"Namaskaram" - I am sorry..pls excuse english readers.. this is not 4 u.. this is only 4 ..mangleesh readers..
Njan...ara ee njan alle..?? parayam...chilappol valare serious aya.. allengil chilappol valare gloomy..mattu chilappol.... allel venda enthina valichu neettunne..alle,....okk
music ...athanu ente ettavum fevorite.....ente santhoshangal... ente dhukkangal.... every moment of my life ...njan music - iloode aghoshikkunnu...ningal illathe enthaghosham ennathu njan music illathe enthaghosham ennaki...
pinne cheriya jokesinu pottichirikanum.. cheriya karyangalku pinganum enikishtamanu..... ente friends...angane parayan vendi enikku adhikam friends illa ketto... ennalum avar ente ..enne .. ariyunnu ennu njan viswasikunnu...
enikku ellavareyum ishtamanu..ennalum chila timil njan lonlyness ishtapedunnu... chilappol oru mazha kandal..allel oru pattu kettal veruthe excited akunna manassu... ithanu njan.. enthelum vittupoyo..saramilla vazhiye ezhuthi cherkam ketto...
Njan...ara ee njan alle..?? parayam...chilappol valare serious aya.. allengil chilappol valare gloomy..mattu chilappol.... allel venda enthina valichu neettunne..alle,....okk
music ...athanu ente ettavum fevorite.....ente santhoshangal... ente dhukkangal.... every moment of my life ...njan music - iloode aghoshikkunnu...ningal illathe enthaghosham ennathu njan music illathe enthaghosham ennaki...
pinne cheriya jokesinu pottichirikanum.. cheriya karyangalku pinganum enikishtamanu..... ente friends...angane parayan vendi enikku adhikam friends illa ketto... ennalum avar ente ..enne .. ariyunnu ennu njan viswasikunnu...
enikku ellavareyum ishtamanu..ennalum chila timil njan lonlyness ishtapedunnu... chilappol oru mazha kandal..allel oru pattu kettal veruthe excited akunna manassu... ithanu njan.. enthelum vittupoyo..saramilla vazhiye ezhuthi cherkam ketto...
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