Avoid List
by Michael B. Schachter, MD, CNS, FACAM
Sugar - Avoid as much as possible all foods containing added sugar (e.g. cakes, candies, ice cream, sodas, certain cereals, Jell-O, ketchup, etc.).
Acceptable: Sugar natural to food such as the natural sugar found in fruit may be eaten. Raw, unfiltered honey, unsulphured black strap molasses, pure maple syrup, rice syrup and date sugar may be used as acceptable sweeteners, but should be used in moderation. However, some people need to avoid these completely as well. Stevia is acceptable as a sweetener.
Alcohol - Avoid all alcoholic beverages including liquor, beer and wine. Try naturally sparkling spring water with a twist of lemon or lime as your social drink.
Caffeine - Avoid coffee, tea, cola and chocolate as much as possible. It is advisable to also avoid decaffeinated coffee such as Sanka or Brim, as chemicals are used in the decaffeination process. If coffee is used, it should be organic, as most coffee is high in pesticides. Herb teas are not only acceptable substitutes, but often therapeutic.
White Flour Products - Avoid white bread, white pasta products and also white rice. Whole grain flour products and brown rice may be used instead. However, some people who have problems with gluten sensitivity may need to avoid whole grains containing gluten (wheat, oats, rye, barley and possibly others).
Hydrogenated Fats - Avoid hydrogenated fats -- oils which have been made hard by the addition of hydrogen atoms (e.g., margarine, Crisco, processed mayonnaise, and processed peanut butter) -- as they contain trans fatty acids. Old-fashioned nut butter that is not hydrogenated may be used. Saturated fats (e.g., butter, animal fats) are allowed in moderation. Unsaturated cold pressed vegetable oils (e.g., safflower, sesame, canola, sunflower, virgin olive oil) may be used. Avoid frying in vegetable oil, though broth may be used.
Chemicals added to food - Labels must be read. In some cases, labels do not reflect the chemicals in the food. Avoid artificial preservatives (e.g., BHA, BHT, MSG, nitrites, nitrates, sodium benzoate, etc.) commonly found in bread, crackers, and cereals. All processed, cured meats such as bologna, salami, frankfurters, corned beef and pastrami, should be avoided because of the addition of chemicals. Avoid artificial coloring as commonly found in frankfurters, soda, certain candy, maraschino cherries, juice drinks, etc. Avoid artificial flavoring commonly found in certain ice creams, frozen pies and candy. Avoid artificial sweeteners: aspartame (Nutrasweet) , saccharine (Sweet 'n Low), and sucralose (Splenda). All diet sodas, any diabetic foods, and other processed low calorie foods should be avoided. Stevia may be used as a sweetener.
Fluoride - Avoid fluoridated water (1 PPM) and all tap water, unless filtered appropriately. To filter fluoride from tap water, the filter must contain a reverse osmosis component. Use bottled spring water, distilled or filtered water. Avoid fluoride-containing supplements. Avoid dental fluoride treatments (10,000 PPM fluoride). Avoid fluoridated toothpaste (1,000 PPM). Toothpaste without fluoride and containing natural ingredients may be purchased at most health food stores. Examples are Auromere, Homeodent and certain Tom’s toothpastes.
Bromine & Bromide - Avoid commercial baked goods and other sources of bromide and bromine.
Chlorinated Water - Water should be filtered to remove chlorine.
Genetically Modified Foods - Should be avoided as much as possible. See website www.geneticroulette .com
Tobacco - Avoid cigarettes, cigars, pipes, etc. Try to avoid inhaling other people's smoke, as much as possible.
Recreational Drugs - Avoid marijuana, cocaine, hallucinogens (like LSD) and generally all "recreational drugs."
Unnecessary Prescription Drugs and OTC Medications - We are an over-medicated people. Among the leading causes of death, those that are medication related rank 4th. Drug interactions are a major problem. Medication use should be kept to a bare minimum.
Synthetic Hormones - As found in synthetic hormone replacement therapy and birth control pills. Bio-indentical hormones may be used if monitored carefully and there is a need.
Mercury - Mercury is highly toxic and enters the tissues of the body to damage the nervous system, immune system and other systems. Amalgam dental fillings contain mercury. Fish contaminated with mercury (swordfish, some tuna, others) should be avoided or kept to a minimum. Mercury content of the body should be evaluated with blood tests and urine tests provoked with a chelating agent. Vaccines containing Thimerosal (mercury containing preservative) are potentially dangerous and should be avoided as much as possible (Thimerosal has recently been removed from some vaccines in the US ).
Exposure to many synthetic chemicals - e.g., pesticides, paints and paint products, formaldehyde, etc.
Tight Clothing that restricts lymphatic system drainage - especially bras in women, which may be associated with breast cancer when worn more than 12 hours a day. Wear bras as little as possible. Bras should be as loose-fitting as possible.
Aluminum cookware and Teflon cookware - Avoid aluminum and Teflon cookware as aluminum tends to accumulate in the body and fluoride may be released from Teflon. Stainless steel, Pyrex, enamel, Corning and iron cookware may be used instead.
Electric Blankets - The electric energy field interferes with the human energy field.
Hair Dyes - Synthetic hair dyes increase risk for certain types of cancers. Some men's hair dyes contain lead. Certain natural dyes may be more acceptable.
Anti-Perspirant Deodorants - These contain aluminum which is toxic, and they inhibit detoxification of the breasts and chest area.
Lipstick containing lead - most of them do - Use lipsticks that do not contain lead.
High Voltage Power Lines - Avoid these as much as possible. If your home is located near them, consider moving.
Waterbeds - The electric energy field used to warm the bed interferes with the human energy field.
Metal Rimmed Eyeglasses - The metal crossing the midline between the eyes weakens the human energy field.
Microwave Ovens - Negative effect on food and harmful radiation in vicinity of microwave oven.
Suntan Lotions - These may be used at times to prevent skin damage from the sun, but a moderate amount of sunlight (without sunburn) on the skin is necessary for optimal health to create vitamin D and probably other beneficial effects.
Electromagnetic Fields - Be aware of the dangers of diagnostic x-rays, cell phones, magnetic fields from computers, microwave ovens, etc.
Be aware of possible withdrawal reactions when stopping some of the addictive substances discussed above, such as alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, cocaine, marijuana and sugar. To reduce reactions, these substances should be tapered slowly rather than stopping cold turkey, especially if strong withdrawal reactions occur
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